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Why You Should Not Take Photos Of The 7 Ugliest Buildings In D.C

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On July 16 and 17, I visited seven different government bureaucracies throughout Washington, D.C., so I could photograph how ugly their architecture was.

Are you ready for the secret behind how I did it? You sure you want to know?

I stood on the public sidewalks in front of the buildings, along with all the other tourists and pedestrians, took pictures, and then hopped on my bike and went to the next building.

I did not cross any police barriers, nor did I ever take any photos inside the buildings.

And while it is very obvious that you are being watched …

…there are definitely no signs prohibiting you from taking pictures of the massive, ugly buildings from the street.

I mean, from the street, right? Big tourist town, right?

That’s why I found it so odd that I was confronted by federal police, and often told to leave, at six of the seven stops.

This restrictive behavior is totally different from what many department and agency officials will tell you.

1. The Federal Bureau of Investigation:

On Thursday, a spokesperson for the FBI told BuzzFeed that you can take photos outside of the building, adding: “Tourists do it all the time.”

But when I tried to take this photo of a building entrance…

…police stopped me, telling me that “only photos of the front of the building” are allowed.

Then, I was approached by an armed bike cop who questioned further why I was taking photos.

The bike cop rode a few yards behind me while I walked the remaining circumference of the building. He stayed in this spot until I walked across the street and left.

2. The U.S. Post Office Building

A spokesperson for the U.S. Post Office did not return BuzzFeed’s calls for comment.

When I tried to take photos there…

…after taking the above photo of the public, ahem, SpongeBob mailbox, an armed security guard approached. He told me the pictures I was taking were “suspicious” and said I was not allowed to take them. “This is a public sidewalk, why not?” I asked. He then told me I was no longer allowed on the property and to go across the street immediately.

I asked, from across the street, why I could not come any closer to the building.

He said, “You would not want people taking photos of your office, would you?” Ultimately, he asked me to leave.

3. The Department of Health and Human Services

On Friday, a spokesperson for HHS told BuzzFeed that there is “no restriction on photos of our building, so long as you are outside.”

But when I tried to take photos there…

…a guard quickly exited this cement booth and asked what I was doing. “I’m a reporter doing a piece on government architecture,” I said. “Well, you can’t take photos here. Move to the front of the building.”

Around the front of the building, I took this photo of a busted up cement barrier.

The above security guard yelled, “What are you doing? You cannot take photos of our building like that, up close.” I told her I was a reporter and showed her my credentials. She said “I do not care, you can’t do that,” and told me to move along.

4. The Department of Labor

On Thursday, a spokesperson for the Department of Labor confirmed there are no formal restrictions on taking any photos of the building.

But when I tried to take photos there…

…a security guard directly asked me to leave. “The photos you are taking make people here nervous. I have to ask you to leave.” I asked to speak with his supervisor. When the supervisor arrived, I showed him my credentials and explained why I was taking photos. “I can’t have you near the building taking photos. Stay on the sidewalk.” (This was about 25 feet away from the building.)

After ultimately telling me I was allowed to take photos on the sidewalk, the supervisor (below, in white) went from officer to officer around the building, telling them to keep me at a safe distance.

From then on, everywhere I went around the building, an armed security officer trailed me.

“Easy on the pictures,” an officer yelled at me when I snapped this photo of Labor’s Veterans Park.

“Why? It’s a public park,” I told him. “I have orders,” he said. The supervisor had walked up and told him to watch me moments earlier. The officer remained looking over my shoulder, just a few feet behind me the rest of my time at Labor.

5. Housing and Urban Development

A spokesperson for HUD has not returned BuzzFeed’s request for comment on the photo policy.

When I took this photo…

…three armed guards approached me. “You cannot take photos of the building entrance. You have to delete that,” one demanded. I asked them what right they had to make me delete a photo on my personal camera. One of the guards called for a superior and went back inside the building.

When the supervisor arrived, he said he could not force me to delete my photos.

But it would be best if I “left the premises.”

6. The Department of Energy

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Department of Energy Security told BuzzFeed: “There is no problem or restrictions in taking photos of the building,” and simply cautioned against photographing employees.

But when I tried to take photos there…

After I took this photo of a public walkway in front of the building, four armed guards surrounded me and my bike. I was ordered off my bicycle and told to hand over my camera. “Where is your identification? Why are you taking photos of our building?” an officer asked me. I explained my role as a reporter and asked what rules I had broken. “You are suspicious, and we are in a post-9/11 world,” he said.

The four officers surrounded me right here, directly in front of the building entrance.

I could not take their photos since they had my camera. The four armed guards prevented me from moving or getting on my bike. After calling my boss, and discussing with the guards, I was given my camera back. “Be smarter next time,” he said, “and don’t take any more photos here.”

The only building without any problems was the Department of Education.

They apparently have bigger problems to deal with.

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3831 days ago
Greenville, SC USA
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2 public comments
3852 days ago
If you have any more interest in this kind of thing check out http://photographyisnotacrime.com/
3854 days ago
All of these security guards and cops should be fired for ignorantly towing the line. Apparently living in a "post-9/11 world" is the blanket excuse for abusing and breaking the law.
Space City, USA
3854 days ago
Or the policy on photographs should be the same as the public statements on photographs of government buildings.
3853 days ago
The disconnect is what angers me. If you don't want people taking photos just out and say so, we know the reasons why. But this whole theory versus reality exercise just makes the guards look incompetent and paranoid. Is this the natural state of existence inside D.C.? I've traveled there for leisure but do not recall all of the spookiness.
3853 days ago
Indeed. Pick a policy and stick with it.
3852 days ago
Honestly, I think it would have done this reporter some good to push back just a little to see how they'd respond under a little more pressure. Not that he should have crossed the line himself, but if he's going to probe for a response, go a little further...
3852 days ago
Toeing the line, as you say, means doing just as they are instructed. Do you expect these $10/hr employees to be constitutional experts? Of course they are just doing what they are told. Some one should be fired, to be sure, but your anger is misplaced.

GOP House Report on Benghazi Concludes There Is No Benghazi Scandal

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GOP House Report on Benghazi Concludes There Is No Benghazi Scandal

After two years of recriminations and investigations, the Republican-led House intelligence committee is reportedly set to release the results of a Benghazi investigation that found no wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the lead-up and response to the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.


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3834 days ago
Greenville, SC USA
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Travel through Westeros in the Game of Thrones mobile game

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Since Season 4 ended last month and the new one isn’t coming to the small screen until next year, you’re probably scouring through the Interwebs for something to fill that Game of Thrones-shaped hole in your heart. Well, look no further than your Android phone as the award-winning game based on the TV series has finally made its way into the mobile world with Game of Thrones Ascent.

If you’ve always dreamt of being a part of any of the great houses of Westeros - Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Tyrell, or Greyjoy - well now is your chance to swear fealty to one of them (or more, if you become a traitor and switch allegiance later on) at least virtually. There are over 2,500 quests and adventures that you can go on in this strategy RPG as you try to make your way to the top, maybe even the Iron Throne itself.

The game is set before the events of the first season, before the mysterious death of Jon Arryn, the King’s Hand. You can choose your back story, whether you want to be a hedge knight looking for fortune or a fosterling trying to find your place in this kingdom. Once you get enough power and gold, you can hire an army of sellswords to help you on your adventures and build up your keep with supplies and weapons.

There’s also a social aspect to the game as you can compete with other players around the world. You can challenge your friends who are also playing once you log in to your respective Google+ accounts. And when Season 5 starts next year, the game will also be updated with content relating to each new episode. So until winter comes again next year, better gear up for more battles for the throne.

Download Game of Thrones Ascent from the Google Play Store.


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3857 days ago
Greenville, SC USA
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Greenville, SC USA
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